Individual Inspire

Gain tools to solve complex challenges and drive positive change.

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Course Overview

Module one will help you identify and understand the right problem to solve. You will begin your journey by learning about the values of curiosity, empathy, and equity, as well as mindsets that will help you on your path as a designer. You’ll explore the Double Diamond framework, which helps in identifying and solving problems, and gain insight into recognizing personal biases to improve collaborative problem-solving.

Discover different ways of thinking, including human-centered design and systems thinking. Reflect on your current skillsets, toolsets, and mindsets, setting personal learning objectives to gauge your baseline in different thinking methodologies.

Learn how to develop effective “How Might We” questions to guide your design process and use systems mapping to explore broader contexts. Practice synthesis with helpful tools to aid you in drawing insights from mountains of complex data.
Module two will support you in generating, selecting, and testing innovative solutions to the problem you’ve identified. Learn engaging and creative ideation techniques to generate novel products, services, or plans, and use best practices for selecting the most promising concepts for further development. Dive into prototyping, where you’ll create physical or visual representations of your ideas alongside a test plan to gather feedback and refine your solution. Practice testing the three lenses of design to ensure meaningful and lasting impact.

Develop a detailed plan for implementing your solutions, considering resources, timelines, and potential challenges. Learn strategies for scaling successful solutions, addressing sustainability, and exploring funding opportunities and partnerships. Conclude with reflection and growth, where you’ll review your learning journey, celebrate successes, and identify areas for continued development.
The Inspire innovation course is a unique opportunity to learn how to identify and solve complex challenges through a human-centered approach. Whether you’re a community leader, aspiring changemaker, or simply curious about innovative problem-solving, this course will equip you with the skills and tools to create real impact in your community and beyond.
Join Inspire to develop essential skills, toolsets, and mindsets for innovative problem-solving and social impact. Sign up today to transform your approach to design and make a meaningful difference in your community!
Iteration Loop GraphicModule 1:
  • Develop Empathy: Understand the needs and perspectives of the people or groups you are working with.

  • Understand Systems: Discover how to map systems, dig to the root of complex problems, and identify key opportunities for change.

  • Become an Expert at Interviews: Explore best practices for hosting a safe and successful interview to understand the lived experience of the people facing a particular challenge.

  • Practice Synthesis: Learn how to theme and draw insights from complex data to guide your solutioning.

  • Reframe Ideas: Create compelling “How Might We” questions and point of view statements to guide your solutioning.

  • Tell Your Story: Flex your creative muscles by learning how to effectively tell the story of your journey.

  • Launch into Effective Problem-Solving: Identify the right challenge for you, your team, or your community to address, ensuring that the solutions you generate are useful and sustainable.
Module 2:
  • Ideate: Learn engaging ideation techniques to generate new and novel solutions while avoiding groupthink.
  • Select the Right Solution: Explore compelling ways to identify the best ideas and work as a group to select which one(s) to make into reality.
  • Prototype: Practice creating visual or physical representations of your idea and developing thorough test plans to gather feedback from your users.
  • Test: Understand how to test effectively and gather meaningful feedback about your product, service, or plan.
  • Assess: Use the three lenses of design to assess the desirability, feasibility, and viability of your design(s).
  • Iterate: Apply your learnings and new insight by improving upon your design and incorporating feedback to make it just right.
  • Launch Your Ideas: Use tools like the Business Model Canvas to efficiently scope and scale your project.

Course Format

Inspire is offered in flexible formats to suit your learning style and schedule. Choose to complete the full course in one go, or break it down into two smaller, focused modules for a more paced approach.

Key Takeaways:

  • Skill Development: Practice new skills to improve your problem solving and design skills.
  • Try out new mindsets: Understand and apply new ways of thinking to help you see with fresh perspective.
  • Apply Your Learnings: Use the assignments and reflection spaces to apply your learnings to a challenge in your work or community in real time.
  • Print it Out: Download the Inspire textbook to follow along, take with you, or write in as you go.
  • Celebrate Your Success: Unlock a certificate that acknowledges your skills and learning.

Module 1 - Identifying the Right Problem

7 lessons


Module 2 - Designing Effective Solutions

5 lessons


Full Course

12 lessons


What You'll Gain

  • Become a sought-after problem solver, boosting your value in the workplace.
  • Unlock your creative potential and drive innovation within your role.
  • Excel in collaborative environments and make a positive change in your community.
  • Build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients, advancing your career.
  • Demonstrate your initiative and ability to create meaningful impact.


Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, the Inspire course offers valuable insights and skills for everyone.

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